• ‘Temporary Assembly of Living Things’ Exhibition at Depo Istanbul

    May 12 – July 2 Opening: Thursday, May 12, 18:00 You can download the exhibition booklet from here. Depo Istanbul presents a solo exhibition by Hakan Topal, entitled Temporary Assembly of Living Things. Topal’s projects employ social and artistic research, and his…

  • Reasons for Optimism in Istanbul’s Art World

    The new generation of artists and curators is eager to explore alternative organizations and to tackle current social inequalities and issues. Reasons for Optimism in Istanbul’s Art World

  • HAKAN TOPAL İLE KAVRAMLARDAN SANATA: Toplum için topluma karşı

    Söyleşi: Eren Barış 27 Mart 2021 “1990’ların ODTÜ’sünde önce fotoğrafla, sonra güncel sanatın yeni imkânlarıyla tanışan Hakan Topal, Amatör Fotoğrafçılık Topluluğu’ndan GİSAM’a, körotonomedya’dan xurban_collective’e çeşitli kolektif ve tekil çalışmaların ardından New York’a yerleşti, halen New York Eyalet Üniversitesi’nde Yeni Medya…

  • Sandra Noeth/Omar Dewachi/Hakan Topal (Berlin/New York)

    In Conversation #2: Social Wounds >> Unversehrtheit: Conversations on the Integrities of the Body << >> Digital Mousonturm << >> corponomy << The second conversation on the integrities of the body looks at what it means for an individual body, for the body of a collective,…

  • Bodies of Evidence Conference at Akademie Schloss Solitude

    Organized around the book presentation Bodies of Evidence (published by Passagen Verlag in 2018), the event will illuminate how the body appears as witness, document, and agent as it moves across borders drawn by vectors of power such as nationhood, sovereignty, and…

  • ODTÜ GISAM 1999

      Ali Mahmut Demirel’in 16 Mart–15 Temmuz 2018 tarihleri arasında Arter’de yer alan “Ada” başlıklı sergisi kapsamında, sanatçının pratiğinin şekillenmesinde rol oynayan akademik ve kültürel ortama odaklanan iki buluşma gerçekleşecek. Bu buluşmalar, 1990’larda Ankara’da ortaya çıkan ve sonraki kuşaklar üzerindeki…

  • Contribution to Serhh Journal (In Turkish)

    Serhh is one of the best well-edited cultural journals in Turkey. It is run by an amazing team of young and engaged intellectuals, including Eren Barış, Alper Göbel, Emre Koyuncu. For its latest issue, I have a small contribution about…

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