• Michael Hardt is the new resident of Boğaziçi University’s Boğaziçi Chronicles! Here is an interview that I did with him in Turkish.  For more information: http://www.bogazicichronicles.boun.edu.tr/ Original video interview can be seen at: WHAT NOW? Michael Hardt on Continuity and Leadership http://blog.hakantopal.info/post/63942942881/what-now-michael-hardt-on-continuity-and

  • Aerial Photograph of Mount Ararat, Turkey, 06/17/1949

  • Interview with Art Vidrine & Hakan Topal

    mfaseminars: Interview with Art Vidrine & Hakan Topal as final project.MFA Graduate Seminars IV, Spring 2014 Art:  How do you balance the different expectations of academia and the art world in your artistic work?  Research, knowledge production, and dissemination in…