Here are the two articles that I reflect on Erdogan government’s domestic and foreign policies.
Occupy Gezi: Reclaiming the Commons and the Collapse of Erdogan’s Domestic Policies Turkey and Syria: On the Bankruptcy of Neo-Ottomanist Foreign Policy
Occupy Gezi: Reclaiming the Commons and the Collapse of Erdogan’s Domestic Policies Turkey and Syria: On the Bankruptcy of Neo-Ottomanist Foreign Policy
Dock(ing); or, New Economies of Exchange at Banff Center, Canada
OccupyGeziNYC Press Release and Demands!
What is happening in Turkey! Download PDF version here:
We are artists, students, intellectuals and citizens of New York City. Together with supporters of Occupy Wall Street, we are here in Zuccotti Park to show solidarity with our friends and brothers and sisters who are occupying Gezi Parki in…
Bizler New York şehrinde yaşayan sanatçılar, öğrenciler ve entellektüelleriz. İstanbul Gezi Parkı’nı işgal eden dostlarımız ve kardeşlerimiz ile dayanışma içinde olduğumuzu göstermek için Occupy Wall Street destekçileriyle beraber burada Zuccotti Park’ındayız. Bu barışçıl bir etkinliktir. Amacımız İstanbul Gezi Parkı’nda düzenlenen…