• The successes of history belong to those who are capable of seizing these rules [law], to replace those who had used them, to disguise themselves so as to pervert them, invert their meaning, and redirect them against those who had initially imposed them – in NIETZSCHE, GENEALOGY, HISTORY by…

  • From Commodity Series, 2013

  • Event: Cabinet Journal On Trial

    Event: Cabinet Journal On Trial This looks like a very interesting event. Wednesday, January 30, 2013, 6 – 8 p.m. PROGRAM LOCATIONS: Stephen A. Schwarzman Building, South Court Auditorium

  • Quote of the day, Gilles Deleuze on using theory

    “"A theory is exactly like a box of tools. It has nothing to do with the signifier. It must be useful. It must function. And not for itself. If no one uses it, beginning with the theoretician himself (who then…

  • Turkish – Syrian BorderPart of Condolence Project Research TripAugust 2012 

  • My new studio:98 4th St. #309Brooklyn, NY 11231Come & visit.