• Contribution to Serhh Journal (In Turkish)

    Serhh is one of the best well-edited cultural journals in Turkey. It is run by an amazing team of young and engaged intellectuals, including Eren Barış, Alper Göbel, Emre Koyuncu. For its latest issue, I have a small contribution about…

  • ARTISTS-IN-DIALOGUE: Confronting Disaster

    Join this stimulating conversation with two artists working on the cutting edge of the visual arts and environmental justice. Munemasa Takahashi is the artist of Lost and Found, a project featured in In the Wake focusing on the recovery, restoration…
  • Exhibition: Unrelated Matters

    Unrelated Matters: Fantazistan (2015) & Uniform Cut (2015) by Hakan Topal Ongoing Open Studio & Installation: June 23rd – July 9th Exhibition Opens: July 7th, 2015 Reception: July 9th, 6-8 pm 3331 Arts Chiyoda, #205 — 2nd Floor Gallery 6-11-14 Sotokanda…