• Sandra Noeth/Omar Dewachi/Hakan Topal (Berlin/New York)

    In Conversation #2: Social Wounds >> Unversehrtheit: Conversations on the Integrities of the Body << >> Digital Mousonturm << >> corponomy << The second conversation on the integrities of the body looks at what it means for an individual body, for the body of a collective,…

  • Bodies of Evidence Conference at Akademie Schloss Solitude

    Organized around the book presentation Bodies of Evidence (published by Passagen Verlag in 2018), the event will illuminate how the body appears as witness, document, and agent as it moves across borders drawn by vectors of power such as nationhood, sovereignty, and…

  • ODTÜ GISAM 1999

      Ali Mahmut Demirel’in 16 Mart–15 Temmuz 2018 tarihleri arasında Arter’de yer alan “Ada” başlıklı sergisi kapsamında, sanatçının pratiğinin şekillenmesinde rol oynayan akademik ve kültürel ortama odaklanan iki buluşma gerçekleşecek. Bu buluşmalar, 1990’larda Ankara’da ortaya çıkan ve sonraki kuşaklar üzerindeki…

  • Art in Revolution – The Challenges of Art in Situations of Political Repression

    January 18.2018 – Kunsthal Extra City – Antwerp Kunsthal Extra City, Eikelstraat 25-31, 2600 Berchem 10:00AM – 17:00PM Registration: https://www.uantwerpen.be/en/rg/aria/activities/research-seminars/art-in-revolution/ Initiator: Pascal Gielen In times of war and repression, artists and intellectuals often become the first victims of political measures. In…

  • Dark Ocean at Law Warschaw Gallery, November 10 – December 17, 2017

    Curated by Jehra Patrick In an Information Age, when knowledge is networked and ubiquitous, how are truths discerned and histories recorded? In an era of ‘alternative facts,’ fast-circulating news, and “fake news,” the ability to understand our world — what…


    // TALKS GRAFT FORECAST Ali Taptik, Aslihan Demirtas, Evren Uzer, & Hakan Topal Tuesday, February 6th, 1-3PM The Orozco Room Alvin Johnson / JM Kaplan Hall #A712 66 West 12th St, New York AESTHETIC JUSTICE: INTERVENTIONS IN MEDIA, HISTORY, AND…

  • ARTISTS-IN-DIALOGUE: Confronting Disaster

    Join this stimulating conversation with two artists working on the cutting edge of the visual arts and environmental justice. Munemasa Takahashi is the artist of Lost and Found, a project featured in In the Wake focusing on the recovery, restoration…
  • Teach-in: What binds us together?

    The University of the Commons RIT (Research Institute on Turkey) www.riturkey.org Teach-in: What binds us together? Solidarity and New Institutional Horizons Michael Hardt with Nidhi Srinivas & Hakan Topal Thursday, April 9th, 2015. 5:50PM-7:30PM****University Center,  65 Fifth Ave. Basement floor,…